Future Students

Foreign applicants (non-Japanese nationals) desiring to enroll in the University of the Ryukyus may apply for admission in a number of ways. In addition to gaining admission directly to one of our faculties or graduate schools, applicants may also consider joining us under one of the following programs.  

International Student Study Programs

For those interested in furthering their major or field of research
  1. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship: Research Student
  2. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship: Teacher Training Student
  3. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships: Undergraduate Student
  4. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships: Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program for Students in Science and Engineering Departments
  5. Ryukyus International Student Exchange Program “RISE Program” -Major Studies Course
  6. Ryukyus International Student Exchange Program “RISE Program” -Glocal Leadership Course
  7. Ryukyus International Student Exchange Program “RISE Program” -Japanese Language Teacher Training Course

For other international students who wish to learn more about Japanese language, and Japanese or Okinawa culture:

※For Japanese Government (MEXT) Research and Teacher Training Scholarship Students, the university offers a preparatory Japanese language course that gear students for admission to graduate school. ※For Japanese Government Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program Students, the university offers a preparatory Japanese language course before students begin their undergraduate programs. ※International students may also enroll for General Education classes in Japanese language and culture as foreign language subjects.

For all other international researchers, graduate and research students, as well spouses and family members of international students, please refer to the “Current Students”page for more information on our Japanese language assistance programs.

Those who wish to learn business Japanese or experience working in Japan
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